Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Today's Tao / Don't rely 2-11

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. After the state has gone out of order and got dark, we have loyal ministers. / Después que el Estado ha caído en desorden y oscurecido, tenemos ministros leales. (Ch.18 / Good luck)

2. It is easy to melt a thing while it is fragile. / Es fácil fundir algo cuando está frágil.
(Ch.64 / Emptiness)

3. Thus, something can be useful because nothingness is working. / Por tanto, algo puede ser útil porque «nada» funciona. (Ch.11 / Bad luck)


Good luck - Emptiness - Bad luck. Aren't you surrounded by yes-men? Are they loyal to you? Let's think about what your surroundings are. They are your hologram. When you think that you are imprisoned in your holographic life, you are hard and lost. You have to melt your ego/self in order to remember that true You are Tao. Tao/nothingness is always working perfectly.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Today's Tao / No possession 2-10

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Didn't they say: "You get what you want. Even when you are guilty, you can get away"? / Decían, "Obtienes lo que deseas. Incluso cuando uno es culpable, puede escapar", ¿no?
(Ch. 62 / Emptiness)

2. Have them possess one hundred ten vessels, but don't let them use them. / ¡Haga que posean ciento diez recipientes, pero no deje que los utilicen! (Ch.80 / Middle luck)

3. Five Tastes make man's mouth injured. / Los Cinco Sabores hieren la boca del hombre.
(Ch.12 / Good luck)


Emptiness - Middle luck - Good luck. True you are projecting your holographic world in the "head". So, nobody is guilty. All people are the characters in your "film", or your vessel of Tao's manifestation. True you have nothing to do with the holographic film. If you think that you are imprisoned in it, you have to suffer as if you had hot sauce in your mouth.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Today's Tao / No explanation 2-9

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. There is no criterion? / ¿No hay ningún criterio? (Ch.58 / Bad luck)

2. As if I were a new-born child who has not yet smiled. / Como si fuera un niño recién nacido que no ha sonreído todavía. (Ch.20 / Emptiness)

3. With no limit, it always stays here. / Sin límite, siempre se queda aquí. (Ch.6 / Little luck)


Bad luck - Emptiness - Little luck. There is no criterion in Tao because Tao has no limit. Tao is omnipresent. Everything is Tao's manifestation. Don't cut Tao with your limited criteria. Therefore, be like a baby who doesn't know how to judge the outside world with his criteria. Life or the world is much smaller than true You.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Monday, December 29, 2014

Today's Tao / No interference 2-8

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Big's capability seems incapable. / La habilidad del Grande parece torpeza. (Ch.45 / Bad luck)

2. If you hammer and sharpen it, you cannot keep it long. / Si lo martilla y afila, no puede guardarlo durante mucho tiempo. (Ch.9 / Good luck)

3. Guard stillness firmly. / ¡Mantenga Ud. la inmovilidad firmemente! (Ch.16 / Little luck)


Bad luck - Good luck - Little luck. Be clumsy. Be a fool. As Chuang Tzu says, "Do not move". With these three useful tools, you have already solved the majority of your problems, right? For the rest, let's send Love/Tao.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Today's Tao / Intended or accidental 2-6

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. All go back to Tao, but it doesn't try to be their master, so we can call it Big. / Todo vuelve al Tao, pero el Tao no se hace su jefe. Por eso, lo podemos nombrar "grande". (Ch.34 / Emptiness)

2. Therefore, the Chien yen has it. / Por tanto, el Chien yen lo tiene. (Ch.40 / Middle luck)

3. Many easy things must be the origin of many difficulties. / Muchas cosas fáciles deben ser el origen de muchas dificultades. (Ch.63 / Bad luck)


Emptiness - Middle luck - Bad luck. Everything goes back to the «Before Father and Mother are born». A bad luck or a good luck will go back to the emptiness. Then, everything will be born from the emptiness. Lao Tzu's teachings are very easy, right? But, be careful. There are many things added in Tao Te Ching from the beginning. Many easy things must be the origin of exploitation. We don't need the exotic clothes. Don't forget that the truth is very simple: Living is Satori.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Today's Tao / Before and after 2-7

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. The highest good is like water. / El bien supremo es como el agua. (Ch.8 / Good luck)

2. Longness and shortness need each other. / El largo y el corto se necesitan mutuamente.
(Ch.2 / Emptiness)

3. Heaven is long. Earth is eternal. / El cielo es largo. La tierra es eterna. (Ch.7 / Good luck)


Good luck - Emptiness - Good luck. Tao is like water. Tao doesn't judge any because everything is part of its hologram, which stimulates it in order to have it emit the energy of Tao itself. There is neither long nor short because there is no space in Tao. There is no time, either. So, Tao is eternal. You are eternal because true You are Tao.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Friday, December 26, 2014

Today's Tao / No lowness 2-5

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Trustworthy words are not beautiful. Beautiful words are not trustworthy. / Las palabras dignas de confianza no son hermosas. Las palabras hermosas no son dignas de confianza. (Ch.81 / Middle luck)

2. I don't know who create it. / No sé quién lo ha creado. (Ch.4 / Little luck)

3. When your task is completed, you retire. / Si uno es orgulloso cuando es rico y noble, está pidiendo la calamidad. (Ch.9 / Emptiness)


Middle luck - Little luck - Emptiness. Lao Tzu's teachings and his Taoism are very simple. Some are not very beautiful. There are beautiful words in Tao Te King, but probably they have been added by other persons. Tao create Tao itself, but you don't have to know how the Tao/Hologram mechanism works. Living our Life/Hologram is the most religious act of all. If you are rich and noble, it is a little difficult to discover it.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Today's Tao / No shortness 2-4

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. This is called advancing without advancing, rolling up the sleeves of no arm, taking up no arms, and pulling in no enemy. / Esto se llama avanzar sin avanzar, enrollar las mangas de ningún brazo, tomar ninguna arma, y arrastrar a ningún enemigo. (Ch.69 / Tao)

2. It is because nothing can change it. / Es porque nada lo puede cambiar. (Ch.78 / Tao)

3. Therefore, a man with Tao doesn't stay there. / Por tanto, un hombre con el Tao no se queda allí. (Ch.24 / Tao)


Tao - Little luck - Emptiness. Let's advance without advancing. Let's act without acting. It is because nothing can change our hologram, which is called Life, Self, or the world. Therefore, we have to understand how the Tao/Hologram mechanism works. Then, we can realize that true We do not stay in the hologram.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Today's Tao / No easiness 2-3

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. The reason why heaven and earth are long and eternal is that they do not give birth to themselves. / La razón por lo que el cielo y la tierra son largos y eternos es que ellos no dan a luz a sí mismos. (Ch.7 / Tao)

2. Governing a big country is like boiling a little fish. / Gobernar un país grande es como hervir un pescadito. (Ch.60 / Tao)

3. Though everything moves, he does not explain it. / Aunque todo se mueve, el sabio no explica nada. (Ch.2 / Tao)


Tao - Tao - Tao. Three Tao in a row... Heaven is part of your hologram. Earth is part of your hologram, too. A hologram stimulates the other in order to emit another. A country is a little part of the hologram, so don't try to influence your hologram. Though everything moves, don't move. Don't try to convince others with logical explanations. It is useless to try to change your hologram which you project.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Monday, December 22, 2014

Today's Tao / Everything and nothing 2-2

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Therefore, they can live long. / Por tanto, pueden vivir mucho tiempo. (Ch.7 / Emptiness)

2. Give birth to it. Raise it. / ¡Dé a luz a él! ¡Críelo! (Ch.10 / Emptiness)

3. Favor and disgrace are like excitement. / El favor y la humillación son como la excitación.
(Ch.13 / Middle luck)


Emptiness - Emptiness - Middle luck. Have you already forgotten that we live eternally? Because we are Tao itself, which is eternal. Then, what is life? It is a "set" of the holograms that you give birth to. Let's raise it by sending Love/Tao to it. Favor and disgrace among others are the spice for it.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Today's Tao / No judgement 2-1

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. If each wants to get what she wants, the big one should go down. / Si cada uno quiere conseguir lo que quiere, lo grande debe bajarse. (Ch.61 / Middle luck)

2. I am the heart of a fool! Chaotic! / ¡Soy el corazón de un tonto! ¡Caótico! (Ch.20 / Good luck)

3. Going back to the destiny is called constancy. / Regresar al destino se llama constancia.
(Ch.16 / Little luck)


Middle luck - Good luck - Little luck. There are some "techniques" to be One with Tao. Be submissive. Be a fool. Accept the destiny. Are they difficult? I hope not. But if they are too difficult, there is another, easier way. It is to thank all.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Today's Tao / Reverse Thinking 1-9

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Complicated things in the world must be created in the easy. / Cosas complicadas en el mundo se deben crear en lo fácil. (Ch. 63 / Middle luck)

2. Heaven is Tao. / El cielo es el Tao. (Ch.16 / Middle luck)

3. That's why the sage does the belly but doesn't do the eye. / Por tanto, el sabio hace el vientre, pero no hace el ojo. (Ch.12 / Bad luck)


Middle luck - Middle luck - Bad luck. Tao is easy. Life is the manifestation of Tao. Don't let complicated things fool you. How? We do Hara/the belly with the eyes closed. Then, we can hear the unique message of Tao: Send Love (=Tao) to sustain Tao.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Today's Tao / Dark Depth = Tao 1-8

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Intended voices and accidental noises harmonize with each other. / Los voces con los intenciones y los ruidos accidentales armonizan entre sí. (Ch.2 / Little luck)

2. When the government is brilliant, the people are imperfect. / Cuando el gobierno es brillante, la gente es imperfecta. (Ch.58 / Middle luck)

3. Does one have to fear what people fear? / ¿Hay que temer lo que la gente teme?
(Ch.20 / Little luck)


Little luck - Middle luck - Little luck. There is no accidents in life. There is no intentions in life, either. It doesn't matter whether the government is good or bad. It doesn't matter whether people are good or bad. Everything is part of the hologram, which works as catalyst. Don't be afraid of living. Life is giving you the opportunities to send Tao, which is sometimes called Love.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Friday, December 19, 2014

Today's Tao / Tao and hologram 1-7

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Therefore, if they often do something honorable, there is no honor. / Por tanto, si hacen muchas cosas honorables, no hay honor. (Ch.39 / Little luck)

2. If you store a lot, you will surely lose heavily. / Si almacena una gran cantidad, seguramente perderá mucha cantidad. (Ch.44)

3. Before and after follow each other. / "Antes" y "después" siguen uno a otro. (Ch.2 / Middle luck)


Whether you do a honorable thing or not, you are sending Love. Honor doesn't matter. Storing something is the first step to lose it. Losing something is the first step to get it. Before and after follow each other. It is one of the meanings of a Zen master's circle or Yin Yang one.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Today's Tao / With mind 1-6

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Many people have more than enough. / Muchas personas tienen más que suficiente.
(Ch.20 / Little luck)

2. Men of life are three in ten. / Los hombres de la vida son tres de cada diez. (Ch.50 / Little luck)

3. Although he gives everything to others, he is richer. / Aunque da todo a los demás, es más rico. (Ch.81 / Little luck)


Little luck - Little luck - Little luck. Is being rich having more than sufficient? Living is giving. We live by receiving Tao. What is receiving Tao? It is giving Tao. By receiving Tao, we have "more Tao". Therefore, we are richer.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today's Tao / Without mind 1-5

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. As if I were a new-born child who has not yet smiled. / Como si fuera un niño recién nacido que no ha sonreído todavía. (Ch.20 / Emptiness)

2. With no limit, it always stays here. / Sin límite, siempre se queda aquí. (Ch.6 / Little luck)

3. If you have already attained its mother, you know its child. / Si ya ha logrado a su madre, conoce a su hijo. (Ch.52 / Emptiness)


Emptiness - Little luck - Emptiness. A baby is like water. It doesn't analyze any, and goes naturally. When you don't know what to do, do as if you were water. Water doesn't know the limit and is always stable. The mother is Tao. Her child is the hologram, which is called the world or life. You are the mother and see your child in front of you.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Today's Tao / Mother 1-4

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Everyone in the world knows what is beautiful, but it is just ugly. 
Everyone knows what is good, but it is just no good. /
Todo el mundo sabe lo que es hermoso, pero es justamente feo.
Todo el mundo sabe lo que es bueno, pero no es bueno.
(Ch.2 / Media suerte)

2. Having lost righteousness, there is politeness. /
Después de haber perdido la justicia, hay cortesía.
(Ch.38 / Poca suerte)

3. Saying no words makes things come about by themselves. /
Decir nada hace que las cosas se produzcan por sí mismos. (Ch.23 / Mala suerte)


Middle luck - Little luck - Bad luck. When you look for something beautiful, you get something ugly. Is it bad luck? No. Not at all. There is neither good nor bad. But we construct so-called righteousness on false dichotomy. Now we have lost the false righteousness and invented false politeness. Are we upset with these? No... We know that, by accepting them, everything transform itself naturally. This is the Tao/Hologram mechanism.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Monday, December 15, 2014

Today's Tao / The beginning 1-3

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. If you want to weaken something, you must strengthen it for a while. / Si desea debilitar algo, lo debe reforzar por un tiempo. (Ch.36 / Tao)

2. Where a division encamps, brambles will grow. / Donde una división acampa, zarzas crecerán. (Ch.30 / Good luck - Buena suerte)

3. He takes people's heart as his own. / (Él) toma el corazón de la gente como lo suyo. (Ch.49 / Middle luck - Media suerte)


There is neither longness nor shortness. There is only the act of judging. Let's try not to judge any, which is accepting all as they are, including our sentiments. Sometimes we think that we have lost Tao, but it is impossible because we are Tao itself. This is Tao's attainment. Today's Emptiness-Tao-Tao showed me Tao=Emptiness.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Today's Tao / A name can't 1-2

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Longness and shortness need each other. /  Dificultad y facilidad se necesitan mutuamente. (Ch.2 / Tao)

2. If you underestimate the enemy, you have almost lost my treasures. /  Si subestima al enemigo, casi ha perdido mis tesoros. (Ch.69 / Mala suerte)

3. It goes around and never stops. Se da la vuelta y nunca se detiene. (Ch.25 / Tao)


We must not say that life is difficult. If we can accept it as it is, we can say it is easy. Are you surrounded by your enemies? No! They are part of our hologram, which is called life. One of our three Taoist treasures is sending Love. Let's send Love to our enemies as we send Love to the clouds in the sky. Life is our prayer wheel. It keeps on turning in order to give us opportunities to send Love.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Today's Tao / Words are not good enough. 1-1

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Longness and shortness need each other. / El largo y el corto se necesitan mutuamente. (Cap.2 / Emptiness-Vacío)

2. Therefore, having lost Tao, there is attainment. / Por tanto, después de haber perdido el Tao, hay logro. (Cap.38 / Tao)

3. Be like dust. / ¡Sea como el polvo! (Cap.56 / Tao)


There is neither longness nor shortness. There is only the act of judging. Let's try not to judge any, which is accepting all as they are, including our sentiments. Sometimes we think that we have lost Tao, but it is impossible because we are Tao itself. This is Tao's attainment. Today's Emptiness-Tao-Tao showed me Tao=Emptiness.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Today's Tao / Sage's Tao 81-8

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today's Tao / Tao in Heaven 81-7

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Today's Tao / Richer detachment 81-6

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Monday, December 8, 2014

Today's Tao / Act of others 81-5

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Today's Tao / Accumulate not 81-4

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Today's Tao / Not knowledgeable 81-3

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Friday, December 5, 2014

Today's Tao / Good one 81-2

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Today's Tao / Beautiful words 81-1

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Today's Tao / Neighbors 80-11

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Today's Tao / Enjoy your customs 80-10

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Today's Tao / Out-Tao (Heresy) Seniya / Gedo Senni / Settled 80-9

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Friday, November 28, 2014

Today's Tao / Face transmission - Menju / Beauty 80-8

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Today's Tao / Hunger and Food 80-7

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Today's Tao / Tie the rope 80-6

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Today's Tao / Armor and Arms 80-5

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Monday, November 24, 2014

Today's Tao / Boats and Cars 80-4

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Today's Tao / Don't travel 80-3

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Today's Tao / "110 vessels" 80-2

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Friday, November 21, 2014

Today's Tao / Small country 80-1

«Today's Tao»


Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today's Tao / No favoritism 79-4

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today's Tao / Contract without payment 79-3

«Today's Tao»

Please join me at:






If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.

Naoto Matsumoto