Today's Tao
Our side dare not advance one inch, but retreat one foot. (Ch.69)
Don't try to advance.
Never mind retreating.
In Taoism, advance is retreat, and retreat is advance. (☞See Advance = Retreat 40-7)
If you want to go forward, go backward.
If you want to get something, give something.
This is the way a hologram functions.
There are two raisons d'être of a hologram:
1. To give us an opportunity to receive Love (=Tao) through the hologram.
2. To stimulate us to emit Love (=Tao).
This bilateral exchange of the fundamental energy Tao may explain why a hologram "seems" to work that way.
But remember?
There is no space in Tao.
There is neither distance nor direction.
How can you advance or retreat there?
«Related Articles»
-Use of arms 69-1
-Be passive 69-2
-Retreat 69-3
-Advance without advancing 69-4
-Underestimating the enemy 69-5
-Lost treasures 69-6
-Love wins 69-7
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 69
Tao answers your question!
☞Some Japanese have contributed to the propagation of some Eastern ways of thinking abroad. The post-war consumers in Japan seem to have behaved totally contrarily to their principles. Now the Japanese post-consumer youngsters are taking the important roles of carrying the philosophical torch of their grandfathers. Read Masanobu Fukuoka's «The One-Straw Revolution
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