Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 2-2 Everything and Nothing

Today's Tao

Truly, Everything and Nothing give birth to each other. (Ch.2)

Here comes the enigmatic oriental wisdom of "Nothing is Everything".

People talk about it, but no one tells you what it really means.

Please replace the word "Everything" with a hologram, and "Nothing" with the energy.

The sentence will be "A hologram and the energy give birth to each other".

Is it a little easier to understand?

Holography is the very key to decode Tao Te Ching.

It is amazing that Lao Tzu and Zen masters like Dogen explained the mechanism of Tao without using the word "hologram".

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-No judgement 2-1
-Everything and nothing 2-2
-No easiness 2-3
-No shortness 2-4
-No lowness 2-5
-Intended or accidental 2-6
-Before and after 2-7
-No interference 2-8
-No explanation 2-9
-No possession 2-10
-Don't rely 2-11
-Don't stay 2-12
-Don't go away 2-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 2

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.2 text / Next video

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 56-3 Block the openings

Today's Tao

Block the openings.

Close the gate. (Ch.56)

These sentences are also found in Chapter 52 / Enlightenment. (☞See Closed holes 52-5. They are translated as "If you stuff its holes and close its gate". 塞其穴。閉其門。)

"Hear no evil. See no evil. Say no evil", Lao Tzu may want to say so.

This reminds me of three monkeys in Nikko's Toshogu.

Is this a piece of wisdom or just a cowardly?

Lao Tzu obviously think acting and demonstrating are not the solution at all.

He says:

"Stuff your holes and shut your mouth.

Switch off the TV set and don't listen to provocative world news".

«Related Articles»
-Don't say 56-1
-One who says 56-2
-Block the openings 56-3
-Be dull 56-4
-Untangled 56-5
-Soft light 56-6
-Kanshiketsu / Like dust 56-7
-One with Dark Depth 56-8
-Closer to Tao 56-9
-Staying away? 56-10
-Benefit 56-11
-Harm? 56-12
-Ennoble it? 56-13
-Debase it? 56-14
-Noblest 56-15
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 56
-Tao by Matsumoto / Nikko's 3 monkeys
-Tao by Matsumoto / Be like Dust
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth
-Tao by Matsumoto / 10 points to be One with Tao
-Closed holes 52-5 You can find the identical sentences there.

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.56 text / Next video

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 5-1 No mercy

Today's Tao

Heaven and earth have no mercy.

They treat everything as straw dogs. (Ch. 5)

What do you think about these sentences which inspired the director Sam Pekinpah to make a film called "Straw Dogs" with Dustin Hoffman?

Mercy is subjective, and Tao doesn't like preferential treatment for anyone.

The sun showers its light to anyone no matter how bad he is according to the judgement of man.

«Related Articles»
-No mercy 5-1
-True wisdom 5-2
-Is a bellows a hologram? 5-3
-Never exhausted 5-4
-Give more, receive more 5-5
-More words, more exhausted 5-6
-Stay empty 5-7
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 5
-Tao by Matsumoto / Straw Dogs
-Tao by Matsumoto / What's a hologram
-Tao by Matsumoto / Hologram and Tao
-Tao by Matsumoto / Nintendo means "Do nothing" Corp.

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.5 text / Next video

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 1-3 The beginning

Today's Tao

What you cannot name is the beginning of heaven and earth. (Ch.1)

A nameless energy is the origin of existence.

It is amazing to know that without the concept of atoms and molecules available Lao Tzu and his company were able to reach the idea.

Or, probably, we, the modern-day people, may be too ignorant to know such a basic thing.

We can interpret the sentence in terms of holography.

Heaven and earth are, in fact, projected in our "mind".

«Related Articles»
-Words are not good enough. 1-1
-A name can't 1-2
-The beginning 1-3
-Mother 1-4
-Without mind 1-5
-With mind 1-6
-Tao and hologram 1-7
-Dark Depth = Tao 1-8
-Reverse Thinking 1-9
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 1
-Tao by Matsumoto / Reverse Thinking

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.1 text / Next video

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 2-1 No judgement

Today's Tao

Everyone in the world knows what is beautiful, but it is just ugly.

Everyone knows what is good, but it is just no good. (Ch.2)

It is easy to agree. Lao Tzu is talking about the subjectivity of judgement.

When you judge, you create discontent. If you don't judge, everything is wonderful.

"C'mon, but a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman!", you might say.

I am not sure. See Mirror, mirror on the wall for a funny story about an ugly Japanese girl in a London night club.

«Related Articles»
-No judgement 2-1
-Everything and nothing 2-2
-No easiness 2-3
-No shortness 2-4
-No lowness 2-5
-Intended or accidental 2-6
-Before and after 2-7
-No interference 2-8
-No explanation 2-9
-No possession 2-10
-Don't rely 2-11
-Don't stay 2-12
-Don't go away 2-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 2

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.2 text / Next video

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 48-1 Reduce

Today's Tao

When you study, you accumulate your knowledge everyday.

When you do Tao, you reduce everything every day. (Ch. 48)

Instead of accumulating, you reduce things in Taoism.

Reducing is much better than accumulating.

It is a bit like housekeeping.

You have to throw things away.

We keep too many things, which are not necessary at all.

«Related Articles»
-Reduce 48-1
-Reduce and reduce 48-2
-Do nothing 48-3
-Get the world 48-4
-Do something 48-5
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 48

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.48 text / Next video

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 3-1 No intellectuals

Today's Tao

If you don't respect intellectuals, people will stay away from contention. (Ch. 3)

Knowledge is something like dregs in your beer keg to Lao Tzu. He just doesn't need it.

You just reduce and reduce your knowledge until you don't care about knowing something.

Being stupid is the state of grace.

In fact, that's how you change things.

«Related Articles»
-No intellectuals 3-1
-No rare coin 3-2
-No stimulation, in principle. 3-3
-What are "people"? 3-4
-Neither intellect nor desire 3-5
-No action 3-6
-Act without acting 3-7
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 3
-Tao by Matsumoto / Hara gei the belly art
-Tao by Matsumoto / You and non-you
-Tao by Matsumoto / Act without acting
-Tao by Matsumoto /No Numbers

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.3 text / Next video

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I didn't do anything

It was not planned at all.

The opening of the site was supposed be later.

I thought it should be in a couple of weeks, after having completed a few more chapters.

But, MS Office Live has been posting my pages. They have been crawled by the robot.

Then, voila!

Someone has already read Tao Te Ching Decoded.

Now I have no more excuses. All the pages should be presentable.

Act without acting
. It is really Tao like.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tao Te Ching Decoded begins

It is exactly Tao.

A new site Tao Te Ching Decoded started without my knowing it.

So, I start this blog accompanying to the site.

Only Tao knows the way.