Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tao Te Ching Chapter 40-3 Laughable Tao

Today's Tao

When a low man hears about Tao, he laughs out loud. (Ch.40)

This is encouraging, isn't it?

Even more than 2500 years ago, people were not so innocent.

Certainly, when Lao Tzu talked about Tao, some of them laughed at him.

He called them "low". His little ego might have been hurt.

But, when people laugh at us, we know a better way to handle the situation, right?

We say "Thank you for laughing".

People laughing at you are your holograms testing if you truly believe in Tao. We can interpret it this way.

Or, as Lao Tzu will tell us in tomorrow's episode, if they don't laugh, you are not talking about true Tao.

Something or someone lower is much closer to Tao.

Truth must be funny.

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Tao answers your question!

-Don't underestimate them. Although this dog and that cat live in the world of cartoons, they can tell us about life. A laughable Tao is the true Tao. You still prefer serious analyses of Tao Te Ching? If so, Snoopy and Doraemon the gadget cat will laugh at you.

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