Today's Tao
He brings back people's excess to the state it was before. (Ch.64)
The kanji / Chinese character 過 [ka] signifies both "excess" and "past".
"Past" in the sense of "has been".
The thing that has been is the hologram that you have just received.
In Taoism, it is important to return this "has been" hologram to the state before it was projected.
How can we bring it back?
It's easy.
In the episode of 22-14 Return it!, simple Reverse Thinking is explained.
Read this entry with 22-4 Before parents' birth.
It will help you to better understand Reverse Thinking.
If you want to know about Tao's mechanism in terms of "return", the episode of 60-6 Returns to each other will be helpful.
Now you don't have to worry about your destiny.
You know how to bring it back.
(☞See Destiny 16-7)
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 64
Tao answers your question!
☞Don't underestimate her. A geisha was an artist, an artist of love-making. Like a good lawyer, their service cost a fortune and no longer exists in the same manner in a democratized post-war "floating world". Artists of love have been replaced by novices of love. All we can do now retrospectively is to read the masterpieces about the subject written by artists in literature. An artist with a pen and an artist of love used to go hand in hand. If you are interested in the humane side of the profession, read Yasunari Kawabata's «Snow Country
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