Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tao Te Ching Chapter 15-3 Mr I-know-Tao?

Today's Tao

Though we can't understand him, let us force ourselves to picture what he is like. (Ch.15)

We cannot understand the person who knows Tao, Lao Tzu says.

How does he look?

Nahhh, you don't have to know it.

Excuse me?

You really have to know how he looks?


He looks exactly like you because you know Tao.

You don't need any super human exercise to know Tao.

You know it already.

Zen Master Dogen says:

"Buddha and you are the same."


[jiko wa shobutsu nari]

(Genjokoan 現成公案, «Shobogenzo»)

Naoto Matsumoto says:

Stop doubting. You are Mr I-know-Tao, 100% guaranteed, because true You are Tao itself.

Let's start saying: "I am all right because I know Tao".

To learn Tao, you don't have to read any reading materials, this blog included.

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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 15

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.15 text / Next video

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