Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tao Te Ching Chapter 13-12 Your body = World

Today's Tao

Therefore, if you act as if your body is the world, you can entrust yourself with the world. (Ch.13)

Treat the world as if it is the extension of your own mind and body.

Certainly it is an useful tool in life.

For the Occidental mind and the Orientals under too much Western influence, it is difficult to accept the concept that your own self does not exist.

Regarding the world as an extended part of your own self is a baby step towards the total acceptance of the concept.

Try not to influence the rest of the world. The "technique" is called Dark Depth Female.

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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 13

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.13 text / Next video


Carlota Vasconcelos said...

Konichi wa, Naoto-san! Comprender la conciencia del mundo es muy dificil porque el hombre se pierde en su proprio ego. El despertar de esto dicho del TAO es un ejercicio para toda la vida. Gracias por tus palabras aquí y por tu mensaje en mi blog! :D

Unknown said...

Carlota-san, Konichi wa.

I agree. It is truly difficult to be aware of the world because we are totally lost in our own ego.

Let's try to see our ego as a part of nature. This is a very useful teaching from Zen Master Dogen.

Take care, Carlota-san.
Kobayashi did it well in Abu Dabi as well.


Naoto Matsumoto