Today's Tao
Therefore, a big country takes a small country by going under the small country. (Ch.61)
Please don't be fooled by the words "big" and "small".
Likewise, please don't be fooled by the words "Yin" and "Yang".
They are just Hoben, tools to explain metaphysical concepts.
They are like Satori and Mayoi, or being lost.
These pairs are, in fact, the same thing.
No combination of antonyms is important.
The important thing is that you discover they are one.
That's why Zen masters just draw a circle.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 61
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☞Small = Big. This is one of the concepts that may interest many architects and interior designers. It is also an idea that you have to live with and utilize if you live in a small house in Tokyo. You can find many useful tips in «Small Spaces
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