Monday, May 31, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-9 Heaven torn apart
Today's Tao
If heaven were not clear, it might be torn apart. (Ch.39)
"Oh, my god! Heaven got dark. It is a bad omen. Something bad is gonna happen. Heaven is gonna be torn apart."
Don't worry. The world is safe.
Because you are the one who is projecting it.
Here Lao Tzu is not scaring you. On the contrary, he is assuring you.
Heaven is always clear because it is the manifestation of Tao.
Your world will be always safe because it exists within you.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39
Tao answers your question!
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-Ryokan is a Saint Francis of Assisi of Japan. Or, he went even further in terms of loving other living beings. He even loved fleas and lice. Once in a while he felt sorry for those living on his body and had them sun-bathe by taking off his clothes and stretching them out in the sun.
chapter 39,
Lao Tsu,
Today's Tao
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-8 One = Tao
Today's Tao
It is One who did these. (Ch.39)
One = Tao.
Tao creates all. That means you create all.
Creation of everything.
Projection of holograms.
They are the same.
Where do you project them?
In Mind with a capital M as Daisetz Suzuki put it.
In you the energy.
In Tao. We haven't got anywhere else.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39
Tao answers your question!
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-Mind with a capital M. In Daisetz Suzuki's «Manual of Zen
chapter 39,
Today's Tao
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-7 Hologram's master
Today's Tao
Lords and kings attained One and became the masters of the world under the sky. (Ch.39)
Let's decode Today's Tao sentence step by step.
What is "the world under the sky"?
It's holograms.
What are "the masters"?
They are those who project the holograms.
Who project them?
You do. "Lords and kings" mean true You, Tao.
That's why Buddha said:
"Above heave, below heaven, I am the only respectable being". 天上天下唯我独尊[tenjo tenge yuiga doku son]
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39
Tao answers your question!
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-"Ura" in Japanese means "flip side".
So, "Ura-Nihon" can be translated as the B side region of Japan, the areas touching Sea of Japan. It implies the land in the darkness without sunshine with the gusty cold wind from Siberia dropping tons of snow in its long winter. Naturally, the Japanese word is regarded as a pejorative especially by the residents of the region, including Echigo, the old name of Niigata Prefecture. But is it so? "Ura" is indeed the heart and soul of hidden Japan, the place you must not miss if you a connoisseur of traveling.
chapter 39,
Today's Tao
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-6 Hologram's birth
Today's Tao
Everything attained One and was born. (Ch.39)
This is one of the key sentences in Tao Te Ching.
Step 1 There is nothing. It is Tao the fundamental energy.
Step 2 A thing before its birth (=Bumo misho izen) gets Tao.
Step 3 The thing will be projected, be born, and become a hologram and catalyst.
Step 4 The hologram stimulates Tao the energy.
Step 5 Go back to the first step. There is nothing.
Step 6 More holograms will be created.
Tao emits Tao. The energy emits more energy. Nothing emits nothing. You emits you. They are saying the same thing.
This cycle is the reincarnation, the prayer wheel, the wheel of manifestation 法輪 [horin] or the Yin Yang circle.
Don't mix the element of "self" with the idea of the Tao/hologram cycle before you fully accept it. Your own self does not create holograms, and is projected along with the rest of the world.
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-Gods rest 39-11
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-Lords and Kings = Less virtue 39-17
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-Tao by Matsumoto / You and non-you
Tao answers your question!
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-Let's not talk about taste here. Some works are too important to ignore. The photographer Nobuyoshi Araki tells his stories with photos. One wonders why Japan has lost things once so adorable to those who know about its literature and philosophy. Araki will tell you: "You ain't seen nothing yet". True geisha souls never disappear so easily.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-5 Filled valley
Today's Tao
The valley attained One and got filled. (Ch.39)
In Taoism, "the valley" means emptiness.
"Valley God exists any time any where", says Lao Tzu in Chapter 6. (☞See also Valley God 6-1)
Once the emptiness gets Tao's energy, it gets filled and becomes a hologram.
The hologram constitutes the so-called world.
What you think has colours is in fact a hologram and emptiness.
色-[shiki]=colour (☞See Tao by Matsumoto / Chapter 4b / Color)
即-[soku]=just (or immediate)
空-[kuu]=emptiness (or sky)
色即是空 [shiki soku ze ku]
空即是色 [ku soku ze shiki]
"Colour is justly nothing.
Nothing is justly colour. " (Heart Sutra 般若心経)
That's how the Buddhists summarize the mechanism.
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-Full = Empty 45-3
Tao answers your question!
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-You can compare Japanese society before and after the bubble-economy. Everything has changed? Not exactly. We still eat. We still sleep. The sun rises. The moon shines.
chapter 39,
Lao Tsu,
Shiki soku ze ku,
Today's Tao,
Valley God
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-4 Gods
Today's Tao
Gods attained One and got spiritual. (Ch.39)
Where do feelings and thoughts come from?
Where does time come from? Where does it go?
Where do "gods" live?
All of them are part of your hologram.
Therefore it is you who project them.
"Gods" need Tao the fundamental energy to exist as Today's Tao sentence says.
"Gods" are there to stimulate you as a catalyst like feelings and thoughts, time and space, and people and objects.
Can you abandon the idea of the one and only objective world outside you?
If you can, you will not have to be afraid of "gods" or responsible for your feelings and thoughts.
You will even have an unlimited supply of time and space.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39
Tao answers your question!
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-If you are interested in homeopathy, Masaru Emoto's books will help you understand why it works. Water has memory. It remembers the state when it was working without problems. About 60% of our body consists of water. We are water with memory.
chapter 39,
Today's Tao
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-3 Earth
Today's Tao
Earth attained One and got stable. (Ch.39)
Heaven can be abstract, but earth is concrete.
They seem different, but both of them are part of your hologram.
The words "earth" and "stable" suggest space.
Space, as well as time, is part of the hologram.
Space is just a parameter to reconstruct the imaginary world in your mind.
Without Tao, no holograms.
Without holograms, no space.
Without you, .... Oh, no! It's impossible because you are the One, the fundamental energy Tao.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39
Tao answers your question!
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-«At the hawk's well
chapter 39,
Today's Tao
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-2 Heaven
Today's Tao
Heaven attained One and got clear. (Ch.39)
You project the clear "heaven" in your hologram, which is the world in front of you.
To do that, you need One, the fundamental energy Tao.
Don't worry. You are the energy, so you've got plenty of it.
Just don't mix true You and your own self.
Your own self is part of your hologram which you project.
You project the hologram, and it stimulates you.
You may react saying:
"What a clear and beautiful sky it is!"
You appreciate the hologram. Then, you emit the energy.
This "give and take" is taking place constantly inside true You.
This exchange is the Yin Yang circle.
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-Mean = Root 39-18
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39
Tao answers your question!
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-Noh is a traditional theatre in Japan. It is a mixture of various performing arts and may have come to be the form as we know of by the name in the fourteenth century. The word Noh 能 means "ability" in Japanese.
chapter 39,
Today's Tao,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-1 Attain One
Today's Tao
Once upon a time, somebody attained One. (Ch.39)
One signifies Tao.
"Once upon a time, somebody attained Tao."
Masters in the olden days used such an expression as this.
A little too often, I suppose.
It is called Hoben 方便 in Zen Buddhism.
It means a tool to explain about a highly metaphysical concept.
I don't want to blame old masters, but it is clear that their Hoben the thought tools have created many misunderstandings among latter-day seekers of the truth.
All right, let's go straight to Today's point.
It is you who attained Tao.
In fact, you didn't even attain it because you didn't need to. You are Tao.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39
Tao answers your question!
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-Renzaburo Shibata is a good novelist. Although he is very well-known in Japan, his name is hardly mentioned in the international literary circles. He is a comercial writer. That's for sure. But it doesn't deny that his works are a reflection of Japanese society and a manifestation of its collective psyche. Besides, he was a bun-shi, a literature samurai, who adored gambling like pachinko.
chapter 39,
Today's Tao,
zen buddhism
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-15 Leave it
Today's Tao
Therefore, he leaves that and takes this. (Ch.38)
Therefore, leave your hologram and remember that you are Tao.
That's for sure.
But can we leave Tao and go into the floating world of holograms?
Yes, that's what great masters do.
Knowing that this fragile world of holograms is just a catalyst, you play there.
You have fun and appreciate the holographic world for existing right here right now.
"This" and "that" are interchangeable. This exchange makes a circle. It is the act of turning Tao's wheel. (=転法輪 [tenborin])
Let's do it. We are masters of life, too.
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-Tao's Flower 38-14
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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☞Some want a prayer wheel at home. Other don't know anything about it, but live a life of prayer wheel without prayers, just with sincerity. Both of them are the same. No one is better than any. Kurosawa embody a life of a sincere prayer in his «Dodes'ka-Den».
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-14 Tao's Flower
Today's Tao
He remains in its fruit and stays away from the flower. (Ch.38)
Certainly, "its fruit" means Tao, and "the flower" its hologram.
You always remain in Tao's "fruit" because true You are Tao itself.
Nevertheless, holograms are important, too.
In Dogen's «Shobogenzo» 道元の正法眼蔵, he explains 法華 転 法華 [hokke ten hokke]:
the flowers of manifestation turn the flowers of manifestation.
It is a beautiful way to describe "holograms provoke holograms".
This makes a circle or a cycle, which is the wheel of manifestation 法輪 [horin].
Keeping the cycle is precisely turning the wheel of manifestation 転法輪 [tenborin].
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-Tao's Flower 38-14
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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-There are many ways to turn the wheel of manifestation / Horin. You don't have to look for Satori. You can learn how to rely on Tariki / the power of non-self. Eventually you will find out self and non-self are the same thing. A contemporary Japanese novelist Hiroyuki Itsuki talks about his experience of evacuation from Korea during WW2 and tells us how to "embrace despair".
chapter 38,
prayer wheel,
Today's Tao
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-13 Thick & Thin
Today's Tao
Therefore, a great man remains in its thickness and stays away from its thinness. (Ch.38)
Thickness means Tao.
In Chapter 15 Man who knew Tao Lao Tzu says:
"Thick, as if he were an uncarved block."
Thickness = an uncarved block = Tao
(☞See also Chapter 28 Uncarved block)
Thinness means a hologram.
A hologram is superficial.
Besides, Lao Tzu asks you to stay away from the thin hologram, which we call the world.
You should detach yourself from your world. Don't get stuck in there.
Nevertheless, we must not despise it.
Because it is the flower of Tao's manifestation (=法華 [hokke])
It stimulates you to emit more Love / Tao energy to turn the wheel of manifestation, 法輪 [horin].
The act is called 転法輪 [tenborin].
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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-Beautiful flowers bloom in all the spheres of existence. Some stories shine. Some are worth telling to another generation.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-12 Foreknowledge
Today's Tao
What you call foreknowledge is the flower of Tao and the beginning of stupidity. (Ch.38)
Foreknowledge, telling something before it happens, has been fascinating men for a long time.
But, right here Lao Tzu says it is the beginning of stupidity.
It is logic because there is no time in Tao.
Foretelling doesn't exist. Don't let stupidity reign over your mind.
"Flower" suggests superficiality and holography.
In Buddhism, they use the expression of 法華 [hokke], the flowers of manifestation.
It is you who are creating your hologram.
Why do you need someone else to tell you about it?
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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-Sometimes we think that God is silent facing injustice. Why doesn't He help us? Shusaku Endo asks the question. In Japanese traditional plays, the question is asked a little different way. Silence itself is the place we go back to.
chapter 38,
Today's Tao
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-11 Disorder
Today's Tao
What you call politeness is the thinness of loyalty and trust, and the neck of disorder. (Ch.38)
Right here, Lao Tzu says that politeness is the worst form of loyalty and trust.
He even says that politeness is the earliest sign of disorder.
But why?
Because politeness is fake.
The moment you think about communication skills, your act is not spontaneous.
It is not natural.
The present state, right here, right now, is always perfect.
It is perfectly in order.
If you try to add something to it, it will be the beginning of disorder.
Of course, you can be polite, righteous, or merciful without trying.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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-In «Zen and Japanese Culture» Daisetz Suzuki talks about Ikkyu's effort to explain to laymen how Zen functions. Ikkyu was supposed to write a Noh play called «Yama Uba» to tell them how it works.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-10 Lost righteousness
Today's Tao
Having lost righteousness, there is politeness. (Ch.38)
A: "I will do anything to protect my family."
B: "Fine. But what happened to your righteousness? I suppose you were fighting to save the planet or something."
A": "Now I am fighting for my family. I don't care about someone else's righteousness. By the way, you forgot to say hello to my son."
B: "Oh! Excuse me. I was not polite."
A: "Certainly you are not polite. Listen. My family is my colony. It is my territory. If you are not polite to any of my family members, I will consider it an attack to my kingdom."
Do we really have to accept a man like this one?
My answer is "Yes."
By accepting him, we turn our prayer wheel, which is called the world.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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-Dogen will teach you what Zen is. The movie «Zen» will tell you about Dogen's life. Daisetz Suzuki will teach you what Zen is in a way modern people can understand.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-9 Lost mercy
Today's Tao
Having lost mercy, there is righteousness. (Ch.38)
Merciful and discreet people have become rarer and rarer.
Some people are not happy when they see others who are not so "merciful" as they are.
"For mercy's sake, you've gotta do something."
Now, we have got righteous people.
They want to show off their righteousness.
They even impose their God's given righteousness on you.
What can you do then?
We accept them as part of our hologram.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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-Japanese are fundamentally Japanese as other people are foremost who they are. Nevertheless, modern Japanese have tried very hard to be someone who are not traditionally Japanese. Do we share this enthusiasm for self-denial with other people?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-8 Lost attainment
Today's Tao
Having lost attainment, there is mercy. (Ch.38)
The Kanji / Chinese character 仁 [jin] is translated as mercy.
Please look at the left half. 人 [hito].
Then, the right. 二 [ni].
The left part of the character signifies people or a person. You can see two legs.
The right one signifies the number two. One. Two. (Pointing at two horizontal lines)
The entire character symbolizes the merciful relationship of the two persons.
So, the character can be translated as humanity.
The character two certainly denies the oneness of Tao.
Mercy is the artificial act to control the others for so-called "their well-being".
Having lost the attainment of Tao, a "merciful" person thinks the world is not perfect.
He is refusing to accept the world as it is.
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-Foreknowledge 38-12
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
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-Haruki Murakami writes the introduction of Natsume Soseki's «Sanshiro». It seems that both writers somehow try to stay away from the lust and desire of «Tale of Genji» and Saikaku's amorous men and women.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-7 Lost Tao
Today's Tao
Therefore, having lost Tao, there is attainment. (Ch.38)
If you hadn't lost Tao, you wouldn't need the attainment of Tao.
If you are seeking for Satori, certainly you have forgotten that you are in the state of Satori.
After we had lost the trust in Tao, we came up with the concept of attaining it or reaching Satori.
I just want you to trust yourself.
You have never lost the state of innocence.
You are always as innocent as an uncarved block or a baby.
Please do not doubt that you are perfect no matter how much it seems otherwise.
Doubting your perfection and consequently seeking for a refuge like "Satori" is the first step towards the spiral descent into the spiritual labyrinth.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
Previous video / Ch.38 text / Next video
-Not artistically important, but it might be interesting if you want to know about the change of the concept on ambition in Japan. Young Japanese, living in the country's never ending sluggish economy, may share the same idea about love and money unconsciously as those 100 years ago. Who knows! You can observe them using the novel as a reference.
chapter 38,
Today's Tao,
uncarved block
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 38-6 Politeness
Today's Tao
The highest politeness is doing it and, if the other does not respond to it, rolling up your sleeves and pulling him. (Ch.38)
A: "Thank you very much, sir"
B: "..."
A: "I said, 'Thank you, sir'."
B: "..."
A: "I politely said, 'Thank you, sir'. You've gotta say something."
B: "Uh, uh."
A: "Sir, I am being polite and you say just 'Uh, uh'. You have to learn to be polite, too, sir."
When one is polite against his will, his acts are not spontaneous at all.
The forced politeness is very far from Tao's natural way.
A baby doesn't know politeness.
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-Thick and Thin 38-13
-Tao's Flower 38-14
-Leave it 38-15
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 38
Tao answers your question!
Previous video / Ch.38 text / Next video
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