Friday, December 31, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 60-3 Gods hurt no people
Today's Tao
It is not only that the demons are not gods, but that its gods don't hurt people. (Ch.60)
"Multinational companies are controlling all the aspects of the world."
"My parents have been controlling me all my life."
I understand the feelings of the people who want to complain, but as we all know it is not a solution.
I say:
"Tao projects the hologram (=the world, =your life)." and "You project your hologram."
(Both are the same because true You are Tao.)
Nevertheless, nothing controls any.
Everything just comes and goes.
That's why Zen Buddhists use the concept of Inmo 恁麼, which means «what on earth», or it/thus.
Something "evil" doesn't have control over you.
Something that you think has control over you doesn't dictate to you, either.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 60
Tao answers your question!
☞In Ueda, Akinari's «Ugetsu Monogatari / Tales of Moonlight and Rain», there is a story about a Buddhist monk who became a fish. The monk lived and enjoyed the life and liberty of a fish in the water, but eventually the villagers he knew well ate him while he was asking for help in vain. In Masuji Ibuse's «Salamander», the animal embodies the sufferings of a modern man. The cave capturing the salamander is certainly a metaphor. How would you like to interpret it?
chapter 60,
Today's Tao,
zen buddhism
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 60-2 Demons are not gods
Today's Tao
If you use Tao to approach the world under the sky, its demons are not gods. (Ch.60)
"The world under the sky" means your hologram.
So, use Tao to approach your hologram.
In other words, approach it by knowing that true You are Tao and the world is your hologram and a catalyst.
You are the one who projects it, so how can "the demons" in it have control over you like "gods"?
Every time you see something evil like "a demon", remember that it is just a catalyst.
However horrifying it looks, you know why it is there.
It is asking you to send more Love.
Don't be afraid, and be kind enough not to judge the demon.
According to Osamu Kanaya, The Kanji / Chinese character 鬼 [oni / ki / guĭ] originally signifies the souls of the dead, which is translated as demons here.
He also points out that 不神 [kami ni arazu / bù shén] , whose characters literally mean "no / god" respectively, signifies the incapability of exercising the spiritual power to cast a curse or castigate someone.
(«Roshi 老子»)
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-Sage hurts no people 60-4
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 60
Tao answers your question!
☞Utagawa, Kuniyoshi can teach a lot to modern Manga creators. Look at this «Hatsuhana» on the left. The picture was painted and printed in the middle of the 19th century. The way the water splashes and the positions of her two legs slightly apart have a long-lasting impact on many visual artists in Japan. «Kuniyoshi» on the right will tell you about him and a few suggestions on design that you might have been looking for.
chapter 60,
Today's Tao
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 60-1 Boil fish
Today's Tao
Governing a big country is like boiling a little fish. (Ch.60)
A: "Master Bonbon, I am the president of a big country. What do I have to do to govern my country?"
B: "Boil your little fish."
Well said.
Well said, Master Bonbon.
But this gentleman is a president not a cook.
When you govern a big country, you treat it as if you were boiling a little fish.
What does it mean by "like boiling a little fish"?
If you stir the fish with a spoon, you may spoil it.
Therefore, if you govern a country, you do not meddle or intervene.
But, remember?
"A country" signifies your hologram.
So, the Today's Tao sentence means:
"Do not try to control your hologram".
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-Demons are not gods 60-2
-Gods hurt no people 60-3
-Sage hurts no people 60-4
-None hurt 60-5
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 60
Tao answers your question!
☞On the left, «Banners for Boys' Day Festival / Tango no Sekku». On the right, «Oniwakamaru». Enjoy the creativity of Ukiyo-e painter Utagawa, Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861). His prints show us the power of visual composition.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-8 Live eternally
Today's Tao
This is called Tao of "deep roots and firm roots, and living and seeing the eternity". (Ch.59)
All the objects in your hologram are deeply rooted in Tao.
All the phenomena in the world are firmly rooted in Tao.
All of them are the manifestation of Tao.
Life has nothing to do with death, says Master Dogen 道元禅師, whose name means "the root 元 of Tao 道".
(Genjokoan 現成公案, «Shobogenzo»)
Life is part of the hologram, which is an illusion.
Therefore, Zen Buddhists say:
"No life." 不生 [fusho]
The end of life is part of the hologram, which is an illusion.
Therefore, they say:
"No end of life." 不滅 [fumetsu]
Holograms come and go, but true You are Tao.
In Tao, there is no time.
Time is just a parameter in your mind.
Inside the sphere where time doesn't exist, how can a thing be ephemeral!
It has to be eternal.
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-Cycle's end 59-5
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-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞Sometimes, it is ridiculous. Rarely, it is offensive. Often, it is cute. Mostly, the translator's painstaking is admirable. The translation of a title makes its native-speakers wonder or sometimes laugh. Probably not so much between two Indo-European languages, but it is often the case with an English title for a Japanese classic. One should respect the effort to translate it correctly in terms of signification, but for the people who keep a primitive affection towards the sound of a word the title seems too highly conceptual. It makes them imagine a Sumo wrestler in a tuxedo. Yagyu, Munenori's «The Life-giving Sword» is part of «Heiho Kadensho 兵法家伝書» and called «Katsu jin ken 活人剣» in Japanese. This English translation includes the entire book of the former. Zen Master Takuan's «The Unfettered Mind» is called «Fudochi Shinmyoroku 不動智神妙録». Both English titles are very good. Three cheers for the translators!
chapter 59,
Fusho fumetsu,
Today's Tao,
zen buddhism
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-7 Forever
Today's Tao
If you have the mother of the country, you can last forever. (Ch.59)
What does "the country" mean here?
As always "the country" means "your hologram".
Then, what does "the mother of the country" mean?
It means "the origin of your hologram", which is Tao.
Tao lasts forever.
So do you because true You are Tao.
Zen Master Dogen summarizes this:
"The big Tao is Juki." 大道は授記なり。
(Juki 授記 literally signifies "to distinguish" or "to predict". The kanji / Chinese character 授 [ju] means: to bestow, to grant, to teach, to instruct; 記 [ki]: a record, a description, a history, annals.)
"This Juki is 'Life and death comes and goes'. 授記これ生死去来なり。
This Juki is 'ten nooks and crannies of the whole world'." 授記これ尽十方界なり。
"Juki is the realization of Self; 授記は自己を現成せり。
Juki is the realized Self." 授記これ現成の自己なり。
Dogen also tells us not to think like others that Juki will take place after we have completed our self-mortification. よのつねに思うには、修行功満して作仏決定するとき授記すべしと学しきたるといえども,仏道はしかにはあらず。
(Juki 授記, «Shobogenzo»)
Life and death, the world, and your own self are part of the hologram.
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-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞Mori, Ogai wrote interesting stories about samurai and their epoch. One of those works, «Sansho the Bailiff
chapter 59,
Today's Tao,
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-6 Never-ending cycle
Today's Tao
If you don't see the end of this cycle, you can keep the country. (Ch.59)
A: "Master Bonbon, banks are bankrupt. Our country is collapsing. Do something for us!"
B: "Trust your bank managers and political leaders. Leave your money in the stock market. Meditate and wish that stock prices will go up."
When Lao Tzu says "the country", it means "your hologram".
Zen Master Fuyo Dokai 芙蓉道楷 (Fu-jung Tao-k'ai) called it "blue mountains".
He said:
"Blue mountains walk constantly. 青山常運歩"
This is the Tao / hologram cycle.
It is Hokke ten hokke 法華転法華: Buddha's manifestation turns Buddha's manifestation (=Tenborin 転法輪).
This cycle of the manifestation of Love will never stop.
Don't worry.
In the chapter of Hokke ten hokke in «Shobogenzo», Master Dogen guarantees you that the spin of this cycle has never stopped nor will stop.
You know why?
Because you are the cycle.
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-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞Intelligence has the least importance for Lao Tzu. Nevertheless, some books are worth reading. You can get information in order to reduce your knowledge in general. One is Lynne McTaggart's «The Field». Thanks to the book, I learned plenty of information about the recent discoveries in various academic fields that correspond to Lao Tzu's teachings. Another is Shusaku Endo's «Silence». The Japanese Catholic author tries to look for the answer to the question: "Why did God keep silent at the very moment when one needed his voice?".
chapter 59,
Fuyo Dokai,
Lao Tsu,
Master Bonbon,
Today's Tao
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-5 Cycle's end
Today's Tao
If you can beat any, you won't see the end of this cycle. (Ch.59)
You can beat any because you don't judge, because you know it is your hologram.
You also know that the hologram is a catalyst.
The catalyst is there to stimulate you.
But, what does "to stimulate you" mean?
It means "to stimulate the cycle of the energy".
You are, in fact, the cycle of the energy.
The cycle keeps on turning forever because time doesn't exist in Tao.
Time exists only in your mind.
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-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞On the right you can see Kanzan, which literally means "Cold Mountain". Taoists and Zen Buddhists adored him. So did some Japanese modern writers. Masuji Ibuse wrote a short story called "Kanzan Jittoku", in which two friends try to laugh better than Kanzan and Jittoku. The snowy Kambara print by Ando Hiroshige gives us a backdrop image of the scene. Please use plenty of your imagination and place yourself and one of your friends from school in the snow-covered hamlet in feudal Japan. And laugh, laugh, and laugh. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
chapter 59,
Today's Tao
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-4 Repeat Attainment
Today's Tao
Repeat and accumulate the attainment, and you can beat any. (Ch.59)
"Repeat" your Dark Depth Attainment.
That means: "Don't forget that true You are Tao".
Is it difficult?
You forget it once in a while, right?
Is there any method to remember it?
Yes, there is.
Just do nothing.
You may want to ask me what "do nothing" means, right?
You don't have to do anything while accepting and loving the world as it is.
You can be aware that you are turning the Tao/hologram cycle (=the prayer wheel, =Yin Yang circle).
By turning it, you are sustaining Tao itself.
Of course, you can beat any because you are the one who projects it in your holographic world.
You are its master.
So, don't judge.
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-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞When you talk about Zen, you don't have to use the word. Nevertheless, when you talk about something else, the word Zen can help you sometimes. In «Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Accept all,
chapter 59,
Dark Depth,
Do nothing,
prayer wheel,
Today's Tao,
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-3 Return & Repeat
Today's Tao
Returning early is said to be repeating and accumulating the attainment. (Ch.59)
Let's make it clear.
Attaining Satori
Attaining Tao
Attaining Dark Depth
Doing nothing
Accepting all
Sending Love
Turning the prayer wheel
Remembering that true You are Tao
Returning early to Tao
Repeating the attainment
Accumulating the attainment
Remembering that you are sustaining Tao's cycle by receiving and emitting the energy Tao.
Do you remember there is no time in Tao?
If you do it once, it is the same as repeating it.
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-Return early 59-2
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-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞Exploring Japanese literature is never easy. The cultural gap used to be insurmountable between where you are and where geisha and samurai lived. Besides, there is a question of translation unless you are fluent in Japanese. How can you translate a Kotodama (=the spirit of a word) based on and developed from onomatopoeia into an abstract concept! In this sense, Yukio Mishima's works are a good and accessible entrance gate to Japanese literature since the author is supposed to have detested the dependence on onomatopoetic expressions.
Accept all,
chapter 59,
Dark Depth,
Do nothing,
prayer wheel,
Today's Tao
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-2 Return early
Today's Tao
Just don't waste any, and you will return early. (Ch.59)
Don't waste any; foods, materials, electricity, natural resources or even feelings and thoughts.
Don't waste life.
Your life is a beautiful hologram waiting for you to accept.
When you accept it, you receive Tao's energy through it.
When you appreciate it, you emit the energy to it.
That's how you return to Tao.
Returning to Tao is not denying your holographic reality in front of you;
on the contrary, you accept and love it.
Then, you will "return" to Tao easily.
You will simply remember that true You are Tao and you have never left it at all.
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-Return early 59-2
-Return and Repeat 59-3
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-Cycle's end 59-5
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-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞Lao Tzu asks you to be like dust. Dust has a certain connotation, which is not necessary bad if you don't have a big ego. Kobo Abe wrote «The woman in the Dunes». The story can be interpreted as a metaphor in this context. ☞Zen Buddhists say: "Buddha is a dry [excrement] stick". The expression has appalled many other Buddhists. Zen Buddhists just want to say: "All the holograms are Buddha's manifestation, which include even a dry [excrement] stick". They are always happy to use a "radical and cool" expression.
Accept all,
chapter 59,
Today's Tao
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 59-1 Don't waste
Today's Tao
To govern the people and work for heaven, the best way is not to waste any as if you store the harvest. (Ch.59)
"The people" and "heaven" signify the hologram.
Don't try to "govern" or "work" on your hologram.
"The best way" is to try not to waste your hologram, which stimulates you as a catalyst.
What is "not to waste" the hologram?
How do we do it?
Don't worry.
It is nothing too extraordinary or metaphysical.
It is simple.
For example, don't waste your ballpoint pen, paper or electricity.
Don't waste the lives of other beings. When you eat their meat or grains, chew it well and appreciate the life inside.
In short, accept all with respect "as if you store the harvest".
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-Return and Repeat 59-3
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-Cycle's end 59-5
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-Forever 59-7
-Live eternally 59-8
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 59
Tao answers your question!
☞Don't see. Don't hear. Don't say. See no evil. Hear no evil. Say no evil. Nikko Toshogu
Accept all,
chapter 59,
Today's Tao,
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 58-13 Amida(Amitābha) shines
Today's Tao
He has light, but doesn't shine. (Ch.58)
You have light, so you don't have to shine.
You've got the light of Tao (=Love) inside you.
Have you ever heard of Amida, or Amitābha?
He is also called 無量光仏 [mu ryo ko butsu] "the Buddha of Infinite Light".
He is the light that lights up all the aspects of life.
Don't shine.
Do nothing.
Amida will take care of the rest.
In Buddhism, the concept is called 他力 [tariki], Other-power.
Be like dust. (☞See Ch.56)
Your inner light will take care of the rest.
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-Don't tear it! 58-10
-Kyoka (crazy song) hurts 58-11
-Straight = Bent 58-12
-Amida (Amitābha) shines 58-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 58
Tao answers your question!
☞Amida is everywhere, or at least everywhere in Japan. Ask any Japanese kid if he knows Amida. He will say "yes, he does". But don't ask the kid to draw the image of Amida because you will get confused. He will certainly draw a combination of a few vertical lines and horizontal ones instead of a holy image of Infinite Light's divine visage. Please don't think that Amida's face is too sacred to draw. No. The kid will have just prepared a draw. Instead of using pieces of paper in a hat, the Japanese sometimes draw an amida-kuji, or Amida's lot.
chapter 58,
Do nothing,
Today's Tao
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 58-12 Straight = Bent
Today's Tao
He is straight, but doesn't extend himself. (Ch.58)
You are "straight", but, please remember, being straight in Taoism is being bent.
Can you see the irony of Lao Tzu here?
The sage is straight and square, but doesn't extend himself to influence others.
Because he knows very well that straightness only exist in his mind, and the rest of the world is his extended self.
Don't doubt that you are always right.
After all, your own self and extended self are part of the hologram.
Uh, do you still want to convince others?
Who are "others"?
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-Kyoka (crazy song) hurts 58-11
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-Amida (Amitābha) shines 58-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 58
-Bent 22-2
-Straight = Winding 45-5
Tao answers your question!
☞Utagawa Kuniyoshi
chapter 58,
Lao Tsu,
Today's Tao
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 58-11 Kyoka (crazy song) hurts
Today's Tao
He is pure, but doesn't hurt anyone. (Ch.58)
白河の清き流れに魚住まず もとのにごりの田沼恋しき
[Shirakawa no kiyoki nagare ni uo sumazu. Moto no nigori no Tanuma koisiki]
(Supposedly composed about 1790 by the Kyoka poet Ota Nanpo 大田南畝 / Ota Shokusanjin 大田蜀山人 although he personally denied it)
No fish can live in the clear water of White River.
They miss the muddy water of good ole Paddy Pond.
This is a Japanese Kyoka 狂歌, which means "crazy song".
This Kyoka was popular under an austerity policy in the Edo period of Shoguns and samurai.
People could not stand the belt-tightening by the current minister Shirakawa 白河, White River, and were missing the preceding period of corruption governed by the former minister Tanuma 田沼, Paddy Pond.
Being pure is not always welcomed in the land of Geisha girls.
Nevertheless, let's be "pure" and courageous enough to tell your «emperor» that he is naked.
After all, everyone is part of your hologram and no one will be hurt.
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-Kyoka (crazy song) hurts 58-11
-Straight = Bent 58-12
-Amida (Amitābha) shines 58-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 58
Tao answers your question!
☞The Edo era in Japan was an exceptional period of about 230 years without a war. Naturally, we experienced the urbanization of life and the emergence of a consumer society. People made love and were happy to talk about scandals and love affairs. Chikamatsu, Monzaemon
chapter 58,
Today's Tao
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 58-10 Don't tear it!
Today's Tao
Therefore, the sage is just, but doesn't tear any. (Ch.58)
Please remember you are always "just".
Don't "tear" any. You are just if you don't judge.
But, at the same time, you are just even if you judge.
In other words, no matter what you judge, you are not judging anything in fact.
You are doing nothing no matter what you are doing in fact.
Don't "tear" any.
Don't split time and create past, present, and future.
Time will confuse you.
Don't split space and create you and non-you.
The presence of Self will confuse you.
Don't divide something in harmony.
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-Amida (Amitābha) shines 58-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 58
Tao answers your question!
☞Who is a samurai? The answer depends on what period of the Japanese history you are talking about. Read «Taiheiki
chapter 58,
Do nothing,
Today's Tao
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 58-9 Confused about time?
Today's Tao
Since the old days people have been confused. (Ch.58)
Zen Master Dogen says:
"Don't think that time only flies away."
(Uji 有時, «Shobogenzo»)
People have been confused about Tao partly because of the concept of time.
Dogen also says:
"Future is past and present".
(Juki 授記 , «Shobogenzo»)
Past, present, and future are the same.
Time is just a parameter that accompanies your hologram.
You are creating past, present, and future right now.
Dogen painstakingly explains:
"(The transmission) creates Tao. It creates Buddha. It creates past. It creates present. It creates future."
"It is authentically transmitted from future to present. It is authentically transmitted from future to past."
(Den'e 伝衣, «Shobogenzo»)
You are not only creating present and future.
You are creating past as well.
So, if you are confused, it creates confusion among people in the past, doesn't it?
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-Amida (Amitābha) shines 58-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 58
Tao answers your question!
☞One of the greatest myths about Japan is that the Japanese have been eating rice since the beginning of the nation. It may be true if you are talking about the Japanese "establishment". But, for a humble peasant, rice had been a currency rather than food. According to Kunio Yanagita, thanks to the ration system during WW2, most Japanese started eating rice as staple. This Manga comic book «Oishinbo / The Joy of Rice
chapter 58,
Today's Tao,
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 58-8 Spooky
Today's Tao
A right thing returns to be spooky. (Ch.58)
"Get up! Stand up!"
"Do the right thing!"
Do you still want to shout like that?
You don't have to be right, says Lao Tzu, because there is neither right nor wrong in Taoism.
Are you obsessed with being right?
If so, the result could be very "spooky".
Weren't we, human beings, doing a so-called "right thing" when we created all the horrifying man-made disasters in history.
But, let us not judge it.
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-Amida (Amitābha) shines 58-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 58
Tao answers your question!
☞There is one thing you must not miss when you visit Japan. It is not a big deal if you don't have time to visit a Zen garden. Never mind if no Sumo matches take place during your stay. But, if you leave the country without experiencing a nice hot bowl of Ramen noodles, you have got no one else to blame beside yourself. It is strongly advised to do some preparatory study on Ramen before you land on this gastronomical wonderland. Here are two good materials concerning the subject of the Ramen; manga «Oishinbo; Ramen and Gyoza
chapter 58,
Lao Tsu,
Today's Tao
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tao Te Ching Chapter 58-7 Odd criterion
Today's Tao
A criterion returns to be odd. (Ch.58)
Why do we suffer from something?
Because we have criteria concerning health, beauty, social status, or whatever.
Having criteria and judging oneself is a form of resistance.
"But I am not perfect!"
Is that what you want to say?
Well, certainly a criterion blocks the natural flow of Tao.
It bothers Tao's cycle to turn around.
Then the criterion/resistance creates oddities in your hologram.
That's why you suffer.
But don't worry.
Everything, including all the oddities, "returns" to Tao, the ultimate security.
Your suffering is just a catalyst.
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 58
Tao answers your question!
☞It is difficult to imagine something that contributed to the recent improvement of gastronomy at the popular level in Japan as much as this series of manga «Oishinbo». Oishinbo signifies "a gourmet" in a unique way only invented for this manga. Now it is available in English. Please discover and enjoy the depth of the Japanese gastronomic art. The book on the left is titled «The Japanese cuisine». The one on the right is about Pub food / Izakaya.
chapter 58,
Today's Tao
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