Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 6-6 Ikkyu's funny dirty love poem

If you are a Monk, you receive money and food for free all of your life.

If you don't have shame and are able to pretend you are ignorant, you can get tons of money.

Brave boys and beautiful nuns! It is crowded.

In this Spring Sun Temple, white snow squirts.

Oh! Once again the sound!

«Related Articles»
-Valley God 6-1
-Dark Depth Female 6-2
-The root of heaven and earth 6-3
-No limit 6-4
-No drain 6-5
-Ikkyu's funny dirty love poem 6-6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching's key Chinese Characters
-Tao by Matsumoto / Male and Female; Life's a prayer wheel
-Tao by Matsumoto / Crazy Cloud - Ikkyu's love poems
-Tao by Matsumoto / Masters hit your face Zero Point Field is mentioned there.
-Field 4-1 It is about quantum physics.

More than 800 episodes available!

Previous video / Ch.6 text / Next video

Monday, December 29, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 6-4 No limit

Today's Tao

With no limit, it always stays here. (Ch.6)

In the previous article "The root of heaven and earth", we discussed "The gate of Dark Depth Female".

The image of "a gate" and "a female" makes me think about Japanese Zen monk Ikkyu's poem.

If I ever forget about the deep kindness of Ya of Shin's,

I will keep on reincarnating in a bestial body forever.

"Ya" in this poem suggests "a female gate" or "a feminine valley".

«Related Articles»
-Valley God 6-1
-Dark Depth Female 6-2
-The root of heaven and earth 6-3
-No limit 6-4
-No drain 6-5
-Ikkyu's funny dirty love poem 6-6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching's key Chinese Characters
-Tao by Matsumoto / Male and Female; Life's a prayer wheel
-Tao by Matsumoto / Crazy Cloud - Ikkyu's love poems
-Tao by Matsumoto / Masters hit your face Zero Point Field is mentioned there.
-Field 4-1 It is about quantum physics.

More than 800 episodes available!

Previous video / Ch.6 text / Next video

Friday, December 26, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 6-3 The root of heaven and earth

Today's Tao

The gate of Dark Depth Female is called the root of heaven and earth. (Ch.6)

As I mentioned in the previous article (Dark Depth Female 6-2),

Dark Depth Female = Valley God (empty spirit / emptiness).

Now, if you add the word "gate" to the former, it becomes:

The gate of Dark Depth Female = the root of heaven and earth.

"Heaven and earth" is very often read as your hologram.

So, it means that the starting point of emptiness is where the hologram is originated.

In short, Tao is the origin of the hologram.

«Related Articles»
-Valley God 6-1
-Dark Depth Female 6-2
-The root of heaven and earth 6-3
-No limit 6-4
-No drain 6-5
-Ikkyu's funny dirty love poem 6-6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching's key Chinese Characters
-Tao by Matsumoto / Male and Female; Life's a prayer wheel
-Tao by Matsumoto / Crazy Cloud - Ikkyu's love poems
-Tao by Matsumoto / Masters hit your face Zero Point Field is mentioned there.
-Field 4-1 It is about quantum physics.

More than 800 episodes available!

Previous video / Ch.6 text / Next video

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 6-2 Dark Depth Female

Today's Tao

This is called Dark Depth Female. (Ch.6)

The sentence follows the one that we discussed yesterday (Valley God).

So, it means: Valley God = Dark Depth Female

Dark Depth Female is a literal English translation for 玄牝 [gen pi / hsüan pin / xuán pìn] (☞See Dark Depth and Dark Depth Female in Tao by Matsumoto for details).

This is a fascinating Taoist technique to control your reality without controlling it.

In order to change the world (=your hologram), a female-like passivity is, in fact, quite active a way.

You suppress your resistance and accelerate the transformation of the hologram.

«Related Articles»
-Valley God 6-1
-Dark Depth Female 6-2
-The root of heaven and earth 6-3
-No limit 6-4
-No drain 6-5
-Ikkyu's funny dirty love poem 6-6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching's key Chinese Characters
-Tao by Matsumoto / Male and Female; Life's a prayer wheel
-Tao by Matsumoto / Crazy Cloud - Ikkyu's love poems
-Tao by Matsumoto / Masters hit your face Zero Point Field is mentioned there.
-Field 4-1 It is about quantum physics.

More than 800 episodes available!

Previous video / Ch.6 text / Next video

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 6-1 Valley God

Today's Tao

Valley God exists any time any where. (Ch. 6)

"Valley God" is a literal English translation for 谷神 ([gŭ shén] in Chinese, [koku shin] in Japanese / Hopefully, your browser can show the characters correctly. / 谷 [gŭ, koku]means "valley". 神 [shén, shin] means "god, spirit")

The word "valley" symbolises emptiness.

But emptiness doesn't mean nothing exists there.

The empty space is full of energy. It is a "field" (Zero Point Field?).

The world is the empty space.

The fact that Lao Tzu knew it more than two thousand years ago surprised Fritjof Capra, and he wrote a book called "Tao of Physics".

Anyway, my question is where is Valley God, or the space.

It is inside your mind. It is a hologram.

That's exactly why it is called Valley God, empty spirit.

«Related Articles»
-Valley God 6-1
-Dark Depth Female 6-2
-The root of heaven and earth 6-3
-No limit 6-4
-No drain 6-5
-Ikkyu's funny dirty love poem 6-6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 6
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching's key Chinese Characters
-Tao by Matsumoto / Male and Female; Life's a prayer wheel
-Tao by Matsumoto / Crazy Cloud - Ikkyu's love poems
-Tao by Matsumoto / Masters hit your face Zero Point Field is mentioned there.
-Field 4-1 It is about quantum physics.

More than 800 episodes available!

Previous video / Ch.6 text / Next video

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 3-4 What are "people"?

Today's Tao

Therefore, in the sage's way to control the people, he empties the mind, fills the belly, weakens the will, and strengthens the bone. (Ch. 3)

If you try to find out who are the owner of the mind, the belly, the will, and the bone in this context, you will end up in an intellectual dead-end.

For the occidentals and some others who have the Cartesian mind, one of the hardest things to overcome is to forget about individuality.

If you do so, it will be much easier.

The word "people" could be interpreted as "your hologram". And the rest will be part of it.

Mind, a belly, will, and a bone are part of "mountains, rivers, and lands", Zen Master Dogen might say.

It means that they are all part of your hologram.

«Related Articles»
-No intellectuals 3-1
-No rare coin 3-2
-No stimulation, in principle. 3-3
-What are "people"? 3-4
-Neither intellect nor desire 3-5
-No action 3-6
-Act without acting 3-7
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 3
-Tao by Matsumoto / Hara gei the belly art
-Tao by Matsumoto / You and non-you
-Tao by Matsumoto / Act without acting
-Tao by Matsumoto /No Numbers

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.3 text / Next video

Monday, December 22, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 1-4 Mother

Today's Tao

What you can name is the mother of all the material beings. (Ch.1)

Dogen called it "mountains, rivers, and lands" ([sen ga daichi] 山河大地).

What you can name is the visible world. It is your hologram.

All the material things are, in fact, projected in your head.

Otherwise, our brains are not capable of comprehend what is going on.

Then, a question arises.

What is "I"?

Where am "I"?

Dogen answers: "You are mountains, rivers, and lands. You are there".

You project them.

They project you.

«Related Articles»
-Words are not good enough. 1-1
-A name can't 1-2
-The beginning 1-3
-Mother 1-4
-Without mind 1-5
-With mind 1-6
-Tao and hologram 1-7
-Dark Depth = Tao 1-8
-Reverse Thinking 1-9
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 1
-Tao by Matsumoto / Reverse Thinking
-No name


Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.1 text / Next video

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 4-2 Origin

Today's Tao

Profound, it looks like the origin of everything. (Ch.4)

Tao is the origin of everything, it seems.

But why "it seems"? Was Lao Tzu not sure of it?

Yes, he was.

Tao is the origin of everything, and everything is the origin of Tao. The one is the other's origin and vice versa.

He seemed to avoid giving the impression that it was one way from Tao to everything.

Evidently, the Yin and Yang circle indicates this cycle of creation.

«Related Articles»
-Field 4-1
-Origin 4-2
-Filled emptiness 4-3
-Creator 4-4
-Creator of Creator 4-5
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 4
-Tao by Matsumoto / Masters hit your face
-Tao by Matsumoto / Colour
-Tao by Matsumoto / Zen is Love
-Valley God It is also about Zero Point Field.
-In Chapter 4 / Tao's function, between "Profound, it looks like the origin of everything." (Origin 4-2) and "Filled, it looks as if it existed." (Filled emptiness 4-3), you can find "Dull the sharpness. Untangle the entanglements. Soften the light. Be like dust". The sentences seem to have been inserted by accident, so they are discussed in Chapter 56 / How to be one with Tao, which is more appropriate.

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.4 text / Next video

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 63-2 No work

Today's Tao

Work no work. (Ch.63)

Lao Tzu was not against work.

"Work" here means "interference".

Then, what does it mean, "Interfere no interference"?

Is he forbidding interference?

Yes and no.

Yes, in the sense of a direct intervention. You must not interfere.

No, in the sense of Tao.

You can "influence" your hologram (=the world) by not trying to interfere with it.

It is called Dark Depth Female, 玄牝 [gen pi].

«Related Articles»
-Decoding a riddle 63-1
-No work 63-2
-No taste 63-3
-Small = Big 63-4
-Love him 63-5
-Complicated? 63-6
-Minuscule 63-7
-Complicated in Easy 63-8
-Big in minuscule 63-9
-Don't try 63-10
-Casual promises 63-11
-Easy origin 63-12
-Everything as difficult 63-13
-Nothing is difficult 63-14
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 63
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth
-Don't work 57-3

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.63 text / Next video

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 2-4 No shortness

Today's Tao

Longness and shortness need each other. (Ch.2)

In modern China, there are girls who have surgery to make their legs longer.

In old China, there were girls whose feet were bandaged to keep them smaller.

In modern Japan, there are girls who have cosmetic surgery to make their eyes bigger.

In old Japan, girls with slit eyes were considered to be beautiful.

In the occidental world, more and more people are interested in Zen and Taoism.

In the oriental world, more and more girls get married in a white Christian wedding dress.

«Related Articles»
-No judgement 2-1
-Everything and nothing 2-2
-No easiness 2-3
-No shortness 2-4
-No lowness 2-5
-Intended or accidental 2-6
-Before and after 2-7
-No interference 2-8
-No explanation 2-9
-No possession 2-10
-Don't rely 2-11
-Don't stay 2-12
-Don't go away 2-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 2

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.2 text / Next video

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 56-2 One who says

Today's Tao

One who says does not know. (Ch.56)

These days, people talk too much.

Once silence was golden, but now it is something negative.

We don't need any decoding for this maxim.

Too much analysis will lead us to complications.

Lao Tzu doesn't talk much.

Dogen does.

«Related Articles»
-Don't say 56-1
-One who says 56-2
-Block the openings 56-3
-Be dull 56-4
-Untangled 56-5
-Soft light 56-6
-Kanshiketsu / Like dust 56-7
-One with Dark Depth 56-8
-Closer to Tao 56-9
-Staying away? 56-10
-Benefit 56-11
-Harm? 56-12
-Ennoble it? 56-13
-Debase it? 56-14
-Noblest 56-15
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 56
-Tao by Matsumoto / Nikko's 3 monkeys
-Tao by Matsumoto / Be like Dust
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth
-Tao by Matsumoto / 10 points to be One with Tao
-Say no words 23-1

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.56 text / Next video

☞«Drama and Desire: Japanese painting from the Floating World» is a beautiful collection of Japanese painting, which includes Hokusai and Utamaro. Desire is sacred in the country of the rising sun. Nevertheless, sometimes desire, which the Japanese word "iro (=color)" expresses, can be prohibited. Yukio Mishima plays with the word "Kinjiki", which originally means the colors which common people were not allowed to wear in the old days. The word can be interpreted as forbidden desire.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 4-1 Field

Today's Tao

Tao functions through nothingness and is not tangible. (Ch.4)

Sometimes, quantum physics helps you understand Taoism.

For example, Tao can be understood according to the theory of field.

The magnetic field or the Zero Point Field can replace the word Tao, and it will be much easier to comprehend how it functions.

Nevertheless, if you stick to the idea that there is an absolute world around you, those theories will mislead you.

«Related Articles»
-Field 4-1
-Origin 4-2
-Filled emptiness 4-3
-Creator 4-4
-Creator of Creator 4-5
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 4
-Tao by Matsumoto / Masters hit your face
-Tao by Matsumoto / Colour
-Tao by Matsumoto / Zen is Love
-Valley God It is also about Zero Point Field.
-In Chapter 4 / Tao's function, between "Profound, it looks like the origin of everything." (Origin 4-2) and "Filled, it looks as if it existed." (Filled emptiness 4-3), you can find "Dull the sharpness. Untangle the entanglements. Soften the light. Be like dust". The sentences seem to have been inserted by accident, so they are discussed in Chapter 56 / How to be one with Tao, which is more appropriate.

More than 800 episodes available!

Previous video / Ch.4 text / Next video

Monday, December 15, 2008

No name

Today's Tao

What you cannot name is the beginning of heaven and earth. [Ch.1]

You cannot define what Tao is. The moment you name "it" something, it will become something else.

Please allow me to use the word "Tao", though.

Otherwise, we cannot discuss anything.

Well, probably, that is the point. We should not discuss anything. It is useless.

Nevertheless, I have a very silly desire, the desire to tell you something.

The sentence above should be read as "Tao is the origin of your hologram".

I admit it is absolutely unnecessary to tell you so.

«Related Articles»
- The beginning
- Words are not good enough.
- What is Tao?
- Life is a movie
- Reverse Thinking [Practical Uses]

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 3-3 No stimulation, in principle.

Today's Tao

If they don't look at what stimulates their desire, people's mind will stay calm. (Ch.3)

So far, the first three sentences of the chapter have been posted.

They can be explained as follows:

If you don't analyse things intellectually, you don't have to suffer from the ordeals caused by dichotomy.

If you turn the hologram favourable to your benefit, the intention will work counterproductively.

If you know that your desire does not belong to you and is just another catalyst like stars and flowers, you don't have to feel unhappy when it is not fulfilled.

The objective of Tao by Matsumoto is not to analyse Lao Tzu's text for the academic study, but to tell its quintessence to those who need relief in life.

I would be happier if my funny stories about the life in Japan could make you smile.

No stimulation in principle, but a bit of laughter will do no harm.

«Related Articles»
-No intellectuals 3-1
-No rare coin 3-2
-No stimulation, in principle. 3-3
-What are "people"? 3-4
-Neither intellect nor desire 3-5
-No action 3-6
-Act without acting 3-7
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 3
-Tao by Matsumoto / Hara gei the belly art
-Tao by Matsumoto / You and non-you
-Tao by Matsumoto / Act without acting
-Tao by Matsumoto /No Numbers

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.3 text / Next video

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 10-2 Body, Spirit, Tao.

Today's Tao

And can you make the body soul and the spirit soul keep Tao with them? (Ch.10)

The Chinese used to think that, when one goes the way of all flesh, his spirit soul goes up to heaven and the body soul descends into earth.

Old sayings are not all the time guiding us to a better understanding.

Here, I see the dichotomy between body and soul. Are they different?

If you think so, they are. But, the idea makes you a little more difficult to be one with Tao.

«Related Articles»
-Body soul & Spirit soul 10-1
-Body, Spirit, Tao. 10-2
-Supple 10-3
-Like a baby 10-4
-Mirror of Dark Depth 10-5
-Blemish 10-6
-Love people 10-7
-Heaven's gate 10-8
-Four corners 10-9
-Raise it 10-10
-Don't possess it 10-11
-Let it work 10-12
-Don't control it 10-13
-Attainment of Dark Depth 10-14
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 10
-Tao by Matsumoto / Body soul & Spirit soul
-Tao by Matsumoto / Mirror of Dark Depth
-Tao by Matsumoto / Caution! You & Hologram
-Tao by Matsumoto / Heaven's gate opens & closes
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth Female
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth Attainment
-Tao by Matsumoto / No Absolute Truth - An English teacher fight like a yakuza
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth

Everyday a new entry!

Previous video / Ch.10 text / Next video

Work no work

New Article

Today, a new article on "Work no work" is posted.

Why do we have to work when we don't want to work?

Why do we have to work hard to get something?

Even some contemporary zen teachers say that you have to work hard to reach the enlightenment.

Lao Tzu says that's all wrong.

What a relief!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 63-1 Decoding a riddle

Today's Tao

Act no action. (Ch. 63)

When you try to find some answers in Oriental philosophy, aren't you a little tired of confronting this type of contradiction?

Please forgive Lao Tzu and Zen masters for not being helpful enough.

It is not their fault.

They are just trying to be honest.

We have not only the barrier between the languages but also the lapse of time.

So, we need a decoding which is sometimes too audacious for academic study.

We need it in order to live his teachings in real life.

The sentence above means:

"Accept everything as it is".

«Related Articles»
-Decoding a riddle 63-1
-No work 63-2
-No taste 63-3
-Small = Big 63-4
-Love him 63-5
-Complicated? 63-6
-Minuscule 63-7
-Complicated in Easy 63-8
-Big in minuscule 63-9
-Don't try 63-10
-Casual promises 63-11
-Easy origin 63-12
-Everything as difficult 63-13
-Nothing is difficult 63-14
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 63

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.63 text / Next video

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 56-1 Don't say

Today's Tao

One who knows does not say. (Ch.56)

You don't have to be convincing.

You'd better not be talkative.

This sentence seems like a good old teaching of "Silence is golden".

Good enough.

But there is a deeper meaning behind the simplicity of the words.

Lao Tzu wants to say that, if you know how Tao functions, you dare not try to speak out and influence what is going on in front of you.

You just leave it as it is.

That's the first step to be one with Tao.

«Related Articles»
-Don't say 56-1
-One who says 56-2
-Block the openings 56-3
-Be dull 56-4
-Untangled 56-5
-Soft light 56-6
-Kanshiketsu / Like dust 56-7
-One with Dark Depth 56-8
-Closer to Tao 56-9
-Staying away? 56-10
-Benefit 56-11
-Harm? 56-12
-Ennoble it? 56-13
-Debase it? 56-14
-Noblest 56-15
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 56
-Tao by Matsumoto / Nikko's 3 monkeys
-Tao by Matsumoto / Be like Dust
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth
-Tao by Matsumoto / 10 points to be One with Tao

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.56 text / Next video

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 10-1 Body soul & Spirit soul

Today's Tao

Can you make the body soul and the spirit soul embrace Tao? (Ch.10)

Some people say that this indicates a certain way to breathe in order to reach Tao.

Deep breathing may bring back your attention from social engagements to physical awareness.

That is good, to some extent, but too much awareness of your body is not really beneficial.

"Your body, as well as your mind and the society around you, is like clouds and flowers", Zen master Dogen may say.

I guess Lao Tzu might agree with him.

«Related Articles»
-Body soul & Spirit soul 10-1
-Body, Spirit, Tao. 10-2
-Supple 10-3
-Like a baby 10-4
-Mirror of Dark Depth 10-5
-Blemish 10-6
-Love people 10-7
-Heaven's gate 10-8
-Four corners 10-9
-Raise it 10-10
-Don't possess it 10-11
-Let it work 10-12
-Don't control it 10-13
-Attainment of Dark Depth 10-14
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 10
-Tao by Matsumoto / Body soul & Spirit soul
-Tao by Matsumoto / Mirror of Dark Depth
-Tao by Matsumoto / Caution! You & Hologram
-Tao by Matsumoto / Heaven's gate opens & closes
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth Female
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth Attainment
-Tao by Matsumoto / No Absolute Truth - An English teacher fight like a yakuza
-Tao by Matsumoto / Dark Depth

Everyday a new entry!

Previous video / Ch.10 text / Next video

Today's Tao in Japanese

A new site

Now you can read Today's Tao in Japanese.

A new site in Japanese has inaugurated today.

It is a twin site to this Tao Te Ching Decoded in Japanese. It is completely identical to this except in Japanese.

If you are interested in the linguistic side of learning Tao Te Ching, the site may help you.

At least, it is nice to know how to write Lao Tzu in Kanji (Chinese Characters). You can impress your friend from Far East.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 2-3 No easiness

Today's Tao

Difficulty and easiness need each other. (Ch.2)

It is so true that we have never really thought about it.

But what does it mean really?

It means that it is you who decide what you are doing now is easy or difficult.

So, once you stop judging, everything becomes easy.

Well, that's not true because easiness also disappears along with difficulty.

Let's rephrase it.

Once you stop judging, everything becomes as it is.

«Related Articles»
-No judgement 2-1
-Everything and nothing 2-2
-No easiness 2-3
-No shortness 2-4
-No lowness 2-5
-Intended or accidental 2-6
-Before and after 2-7
-No interference 2-8
-No explanation 2-9
-No possession 2-10
-Don't rely 2-11
-Don't stay 2-12
-Don't go away 2-13
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 2

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.2 text / Next video

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nintendo: "Do nothing" Corporation

New Article

Today, a new article on Nintendo is posted.

"Ninten" means «to leave one's destiny to Heaven». This "do" has nothing to do with Tao. It is just a homonym. (There are too many homonyms in Japanese and it must be hard to learn it as a foreign language)

This "do" means a pavilion originally, but has been commonly used as a part of a shop's name.

So, Nintendo can be interpreted as «a company that leaves its destiny to Heaven».

Well, it is a nice attitude which Lao Tzu may like.

"Do nothing" Corporation has conquered the Video Game universe.

Tao Te Ching Chapter 1-1 Words are not good enough.

Today's Tao

If you can talk about Tao, that Tao is not Tao itself. (Ch.1)

Words are not good enough to talk about Tao, but what can we do if we want to talk about Tao?

I want to talk about Tao with you.

What does Tao mean to you?

You may say, "I have got nothing to do with Tao".

But aren't you interested in any sports whose name ends with "do".

"Do" is the Japanese pronunciation for Tao.

So, if you are a Judoka, you are practicing Tao without knowing it.

«Related Articles»
-Words are not good enough. 1-1
-A name can't 1-2
-The beginning 1-3
-Mother 1-4
-Without mind 1-5
-With mind 1-6
-Tao and hologram 1-7
-Dark Depth = Tao 1-8
-Reverse Thinking 1-9
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 1
-Tao by Matsumoto / Reverse Thinking
-No name

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Ch.1 text / Next video

Friday, December 5, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 48-2 Reduce and reduce

Today's Tao

You reduce and reduce it.

Eventually, you reach the state of doing nothing. (Ch. 48)

Just reducing doesn't seem to be enough.

Lao Tzu asks you to reduce and reduce again.

When you do Tao, you don't accumulate anything. (☞See Reduce 48-1)

Accumulating anything like experience and knowledge is considered worse than useless.

Eventually, you reach the state of absolute acceptance.

You accept all no matter how horrible it looks.

The state is called Satori, too. (You are in the state of Satori all the time since your own self does not exist. How can you accumulate something individually if the self does not exist!)

«Related Articles»
-Reduce 48-1
-Reduce and reduce 48-2
-Do nothing 48-3
-Get the world 48-4
-Do something 48-5
-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 48

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.48 text / Next video

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 5-3 Is a bellows a hologram?

Today's Tao

Between heaven and earth, isn't it a bellows? (Ch.5)

Lao Tzu chose this word "bellows" as a metaphor in order to tell us about holography?

I think he did.

It must have been extremely difficult to explain the world projected in our mind without the help from the concept of holography.

Personally I think this is the missing link between Zen and Taoism.

Dogen the Japanese Zen master wrote a voluminous work called Shobogenzo. What does Shobogenzo mean?

Shobo means "right teachings". Gen means "eye". Zo means "storage".

An eye storage?

Am I wrong if I interpret it as a hologram?

Here, Taoism despised by Dogen and the Japanese master himself shake hands.

The title of his book could be translated "The right teaching about the holography in one's mind".


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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 5
-Tao by Matsumoto / Straw Dogs
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Hologram and Tao
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Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.5 text / Next video

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 3-2 No rare coins

Today's Tao

If they don't value rare coins, people will stay away from theft. (Ch.3)

It is surprising how much rare things attract us.

When you think of the number of stolen objects in the market, human peculiarity called collecting does more harm than good, it seems.

Collecting something has become part of human instinct since we started keeping our grains in the cave for winter.

If you look around, you can see the world is generous enough to let you live.

Only our fear makes us prepare for a rainy day.

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Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.3 text / Next video

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tao Te Ching Chapter 5-2 True wisdom

Today's Tao

The sage has no mercy.

He treats everyone as straw dogs. (Ch.5)

Straw dogs are discussed in detail in Tao by Matsumoto site. It is in the chapter with the same name.

When I read Chuang Tzu's explanation on straw dogs, it reminds me of the paper gods (wakazari?) in Japan.

We put them at all the corners of our house for the preparation to New Year's day.

Our little gods somehow adore nooks and crannies, especially places like a toilet booth and a kitchen corner.

We put paper on leaves (and make a wakazari) and offer it to gods, wishing the safety of the house.

Once New Year holidays are over, we throw them away like Chuang Tzu's straw dogs.

It symbolizes renewal and rebirth.

Too much mercy may block the natural process of renewal. The sage doesn't like that.

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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 5
-Tao by Matsumoto / Straw Dogs
-Tao by Matsumoto / What's a hologram
-Tao by Matsumoto / Hologram and Tao
-Tao by Matsumoto / Nintendo means "Do nothing" Corp.

Lao Tzu answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.5 text / Next video